Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I "heart" yellow cake!

--->My best friend Lori!

I was talking to my best friend and she was telling me that since they were snowed in they had made yellow cake and homemade chocolate icing...Oh how I heart warm yellow cake! Then my brain awoke and remembered that my momma wrote down her famous homemade chocolate icing recipe for me when Jay and I got married. Great idea came to mind...yellow cake and icing! YUM-O

I did realize that it shouldn't stay in our house so we had a yellow loaf with icing on top and then I sent the rest with Jay to work. I thought they needed a treat since I hadn't baked anything all season for them.

The beginning of yumminess!

Oh I hate when this happens ;-)

Warm, soft, fresh cake smell...can you smell it?

Had to be nibbled on as the others got taken out of the load pan!

Sprinkled with candy flowers
Ready to be eaten!

The finished product ready for sweet Jay after a long day at work!


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